
Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Been a Long Time.... shouldn't have left YOU...."

& by "YOU" ... i mean america.

yes.... it has been a while since i hit the BLogoSphere, & for that i'm sorry. i actually been back here in the MotherLand... the Philippines.... trying to reconnect with my R.O.O.T.S... but lately i've discovered something...

"the MotherLand must HATE me...
i am her BASTARD son.
concieved out of RAPE by the land
of the FREE... HOME of the BRAVE."

when i first got here, everything was chill... i met some estranged family, went sightseeing, island hopping.... learned alot about Filipino Culture&Lifestyle (pics & more to come later,)

but then SHIT hit me.

i dunno what happened.... why it happened.... what i did to deserve this. I dunno what the MotherLand has against me.... why she hates me.... or what i did to envoke her FURY.

i wan't even planning to go online til i got back to the states.... i really wanted 2 take this opportunity to detattch myself.... really immerse myself in the Culture&Lifestyle of my HomeLand... but after THIS happened, & i discovered a WI-FI signal... i had 2 hit the FaceBook & send a message to the WORLD.

"JREEZY (Wed July 23rd 1:43 am): to whom it may concern... me & my family have been stranded on CoronIsland for 5Days. We were supposed to leave THREE DAYS AGO.. but StormClouds & Heavy rains make it so no plane can land here & take us back to the mainland. There is absolutley NOTHING to do.... there's no tv.... power& electricity itself fluctuate with the weather. I was able to find a faint signal thru a different hotel, but that itself is unreliable. Me&my sister's iPods are dead & there is no access to music, movies, or any relevent media. There is absolutley NOTHING to do here.... There is no pool, no beach, no EnglishSpeaking peoples able to carry on entertaining conversations. The markets here have nothing of value. I'm forbidden to even interact with the locals for parental fear of what fun may occur. I miss America... I miss my friends... I miss my roommates... I miss my WEED. I even miss the struggles of my daily life... just because finding ways to solve them give me something to DO with myself!!!!

if there is a god.... he must be drunk&ballin.... cuz he keep MAKING IT RAINNNN.

wish me the best... pray to ur god that he part the clouds & send a dove with a branch in its beak... signifying safe travel. if not.... i swear ima fuccinn cut down every tree i could find & build a MOTHERFUCCIN ARK & sail off this P.O.S. island myself...."

It's now been 8Days... things have gotten better... there was a point where the main waterpipe to the island was BUSTED & we had to collect RainWater from buckets.... then boil it. But it seems like the water&power have stabilized.

But as always... with the GOOD.... there's a SHIT TON of BAD...

it seems like these storms have actually been the beginning stages of a TYPHOON... & now the SHADY ASS airport... the one me&my family have been going to EVERY MORNING for the past 8 days has shut down til Tuesday... the day of our flight back to AMERICA.

Last night, a Ferry arrived from Manila. Its set to sail tomorrow at 11pm... an 18Hour voyage back to the MainLand. This ferry.... this ARK.... is the only chance to get back to Manila.

If the ARK doesn't set sail tomorrow.... me & my family miss our flight back home.... considering we even HAVE a flight back home.... due to the TYPHOON on its way towards us.

honestly.... i wouldnt mind being stranded if i was on the MainLand... at least there's SHIT to do there... there's a CITY. there's PEOPLE who SPEAK ENGLISH. there's NIGHTLIFE. there's FAMILY. there's even FRIENDS.

anything's better than this shithole.

maybe im being a bit harsh. it's not the island's fault... (or so it may seem.... currently workin on a CONSPIRACYTHEORY) the people out here have actually been pretty chill... when they're not staring you down... knowing that you're different.

it's just the WEATHER. its just NATURE. its just BAD LUCK.

i just wanna go home. F.M.L.