
Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Wu-Tang Clan.....

(via 2dopeboyz)

is some seriously FUCCED UP naggers.

pretty cool...

(via JohnErick)

i feel like it's trying to tell me something... but i don't know what.

P.O.S. - Never Better

really cool song/video from one of DOOMTREE's finest... & just in time for Halloween.

Makes me wanna....

(via JohnErick)

Go brush my teeth.... right NOW.

I should probably follow this...

(via Palahniuk&Chocolate)

but i'm not sure if it's in me...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


probably thee FUNNIEST speech bubble in the history of American Comic Books.

i don't know what Comic this is from... & i don't care.

Superman FTW....

Forgive me....

(via JFuse)

but this is kinda catchy...


very very clever....

to those of u who don't get it.... i'm truly sorry.

TheBeatles are awesome.

Tripppp-E shittt....


an eletro-ish (forgive me... i don't know the terminology) music video using clips & samples from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. smoke a FAT ONE to this shiet...

This Chris Brown video's got EVERYTHING!!!!

it's got...

Hot Girls&
Swizz Beatz&
Fake Graffiti&
Jerks but NO Jerking&
Random Ass Asian Girls&
Weezy F. Baby... with a GUITAR but NOT playing it&
ChrisBrown... trying to look all HARD... after he served his community service.

& Ninjas..... of course there's Ninjas... & one is ChrisBrown....

ChrisBrown's a Ninja.

who's apparently got more nunchaku skillz than Michaelangelo.

the only thing that's missing...

any ACTUAL Transformers... but due to copyright i guess that's forgivable.

catchy song tho... here's the download link. enjoy.

Mos Def x Black Thought x Eminem - "The Cypher pt 3."

missed this on the BET Awards... but seen it on every hip-hop blog known to mankind... due to the utter Dopeness of its collabo.

Once again... this marks the "Return" of SlimShady... but i swear this happens every couple years...

he takes a year hiatus... then comes back with some RawShit on a collabo, but once he tries to drop his own shit he reverts back to the funny/emo formula, which just doesn't work in today's day & age.

Complete Skeletal Fossil of Centaur FOUND....

(via SpikeJonze)

Just kidding... this is in fact an articulated model seen at Skulls Unlimited. pretty chill.

but once they make a Dragon.... then i'll be impressed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Forgot how doppe Rugrats was...

Didi: Stu... what are you doing?

Stu: making ChocolatePudding...

Didi: It's 4:00 in the morning... why on earth are you making ChocolatePudding?

Stu: because i've Lost Control of my Life...

i really miss old school Nickelodeon... good times.

Lookie what i got....

"Where the Wild Things Are Original Soundtrack" Vinyl. thanks again triplet.

i wish i had real camera.... but a built-in WebCam works pretty good.

50 Sexiest American Apparel Ads...

i found this on Sucker4Clothes during my hiatus & i meant to post it... Only on my trip to the AmericanApparel outlet in Vegas did i remember to post it.

iLuv how their marketing photographers highlight the model's ImPerfections ... not pornographic, but probably NSFW.

This'll probably only be funny to me...

(via PalahniukAndChocolate)

and a couple other people...

i dunno which i am... my skillz not as developed those who actually call themselves artists.

This kidd...

has got some serious Swag.

Nike Air Max x Lebron James VII

Damn you Drizzy.... these are TOO FREAKKIN FRESSHHH. And you got these for FREE cuz of the "More Than A Game" soundtrack didn't you?!?! you bastard.

Obey x Levi's Capsule Collection....

(via HighSnobiety)

suuuppper FRESH.... oh how i wish i could $$afford$$ it.

Wale - Letter (feat. John Mayer)... wayy2doppe.

Wale - Letter (feat. John Mayer)

found this on 2dopeboyz ... Apparently didn't make it to his album... this sounds all way too familiar.

Kanye West - BitterSweet (feat. John Mayer)

Ahh.... how apt. John Mayer's been building bridges to the rap game... but for some reason Record Execs don't want him on the albums. i don't get it... are questionable-yet-creative collaborations looked down upon in the Music industry? or do Label Reps just not like John Mayer?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

When you can't cop....


These paper creations come courtesy of DavidBrownings. Pretty doppe.

if only...



i wish i was talented.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One day...

(via JohnErick)
keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Conversations with my Christian Cousin.

So... i have this crazy religious cousin back in Jersey.... & i just love pissing him off over FaceBook.

David: religion is the reason America was founded.

JReezy: no... actually spices are why America was founded. cuz the WhitePeople were FatAsses who wanted better tasting food... but theyre too lazy to travel East to get to Asia... so they tried to shortcut their way Westward & "discovered" North & South America

David: no.... i mean the Quakers and Mormons left England to make there own faith...

JReezy: yea.... cuz the NEW WORLD was like VEGAS to them. There... they were Free to do whatever they wanted

JReezy: if back then...a cult of ChildMolestors wanna continue fucking little boys without being reprimanded by the King, or the Church, or the Government or whathaveyou... they'd just go colonize the NEW WORLD.... & if they successfully created their own society, with an established buearaucracy, infrastructure, & economic system... we'd probably end up a nation of sodamites & pedophiles.

JReezy: its all the same shit.

JReezy: i love u man... u make me feel like a genius...

David: stfu.

*Update* i just realized that... for the record... the Mormons were actually founded in America. Just goes to show how valid my David's opinions are... iHeart my family.


(via ThatAngryAsianMan)

Obama has a cute lil ASIAN niece.... liberal propaganda is awesome.

if only....

(via HoverBoards4Life)

my DreamStation...

Spike Jonze x Kanye West = "We Were Once A FairyTale..."

ummm ok... is it me... or has KanyeWest become a FUCKING WEIRDO?!?!

No wonder why Weezy didn't want in on this one...

& don't u think its kinda weird the SpikeJonze didn't post this on his blog... but Kanye did?

do i sense a hint of shame?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Volkswagen just became cool to me...

cuz they turned these German subway stairs into a PIANO.

can't help but wonder how many Dangerous accidents will happen once someone who knows how to play piano actually tries to play a song... jumping around & whatnot.

Still a great idea. i want one in my house.

Let's all congratulate #balloonboy...

(for those of you outta the loop... full story here.)

for being the biggest WASTE OF TIME to hit the BLog-0-Sphere in the history of all existence. for a good 3-4 hours, #balloonboy was all anybody & they moms could Tweet about. the whole world watched & updated their statusii, thinking a little boy was trapped within a homemade airship... alone... probably about to DIE.

& when they FINALLY got it down... they came to the realization that the kid wasn't even IN the freakkin balloon!!!
(feel bad for this guy... probably thinks he's gonna be the big hero... wanting to carry the small child out of harm's way... imagining an iconic photo of him cradling the scared lil boy in his arms)

Now THAT'S the definition of anti-climactic. It's like a real-life deus ex-machina... like when you're watching the season finale of your favorite TV show... crazy ass unbelievable shit goes down... only to realize it was all a dream sequence of one of its main characters

(what a creepy looking lil kid. shouldn't he be stalking Elijah Wood & Orlando Bloom on their way to Mordor?)

seriously dough... what the fuck kind of loser builds tries to build an airship in his spare time?!

maybe if he spent less time building his airship & more time with his son... this situation wouldn't have happened?

Thank you #balloonboy... for leading me to believe i was about to see the tragic death of a small child. Thank you mainstream newsmedia for playing with my emotions & blowing things wayyy out of proportion. Thank you Twitter for not giving me anything more relevant to read while i'm not paying attention in class.

*UPDATE* so apparently this whole thing was a hoax/publicity stunt done in order further #balloonboy's dad's failed RealityTV career.... on those grounds... i hereby nominate this Richard Heene for Father of the Year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"It's funny...

(via Entensity)
because they're fat..."

Simpsons x PlayBoy.... fail.

Been seeing this everywhere... apparently they're celebrating "The Simpsons" 20th anniversary... AGAIN. i mean... didn't they celebrate their 20th Anniversary like 5 years ago?! Is this a way to either attract a new Fan-Base or bring back estranged ones?

I mean... anyone who's been watching the new season can see how far they've fallen off. And besides... Wtf is PlayBoy thinking?!?! I think HipsterRunoff pointed out how if anyone wanted to see pornographic Simpsons they could just Google it to see all sorts of abominations against animation (normally i'd post a link... but if u really wanted to see that shit please do it yourself... stop reading this BLog... never come back.... & if i personally know u... please stop talking to/hanging out with me.)

Come to think of it... didn't MAXIM do this a couple years back?!?!

Yea... i thought so. (& don't call me weird for saying this... but MAXIM did Marge waaay sexxier).

This collab was a complete fail... "The Simpsons" & Playboy... once pioneers of primetime animation & high class pornography/mens interest magazine.... now pathetically hanging by a thread in their efforts to stay relevant. I've officially lost faith in both.

Ummm ok... Nike's Matagi = Male UGGS

i guess Nike wanted to make their own "boots with the fur." i'm trying to figure who's this marketing to? HypeBeasts? Skaters? general NikeHeads? Metro-Sexuals?

i mean when Wale dropped "Nike Boots," it was back when they were fresh... i copped myself like 3 pairs at Ross for $15 each.

iono wassup with Drizzy mang.... dope rapper... but horrible taste in sneakers.


u know whoever designed this is laughing their asses off. Women who buy this are either completely sheltered from the world around us... or completely retarded.

They forgot...

(via KeyCity)

the Mullet&
the HalfHawk&
the LibertySpike...

feel free to comment & add your own.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cathy Nguyen x Mike Isberto x Krystle Tugadi

so i was at the OneNation: Typhoon Ondoy Relief benefit concert last night... wayy2doppe. Some pretty chill performances by semi-famous UChoob artists the likes of Leejay & Cathy Nguyen.

Most BLogWorthy was this epic collabo between Cathy Nguyen x Mike Isberto x Krystle Tugadi. I actually had the pleasure of working with Krystle during last year's Pilipino Culture Night... in which i sent her to Japan to be sold into sex slavery.

Good times.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Funny how...

(via Entensity)

Computer references are seen as "witty" and "clever" when all it is is talking about what u do at a computer... i mean its not really all that funny.

Awwwww but look at the cute lil' Caucasian children though.

Biggie Smalls x Miley Cyrus(?!)

I'm all about mash-ups & shit but.... i'm really not sure what to make of this one. Found it randomly on Twitter. Not sure what Frankenstein of a DJ gave birth to this. after a couple listens.... i've developed confused emotions about Miley Cyrus... & have the desire to hulu Hannah Montana in its entirety.

I know i said no more MJ posts but....

this shit's Fuccin DOPPPEEE.

the only thing that bugs is the awkward male CamelToe... other than that, this dude completely shitted on every other MJ tribute video out there on UChoob.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wow.... FaceBook FAIL.

I actually got this invite... & couldn't believe it. I need smarter friends.

Stairway DENIED....

I dunno whether to laugh... or be mad at these GuitarCenter Nazis.

If I were to see this on the train...

(via Hoverboards4Life)
i'd be soooooo happy... regardless of whatever shit happened to me prior to.

Johnathan Zawanda got some pretty fresh shit...

I should start doin this with my Records. Peep his Blog here.