
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Conversations with my Christian Cousin.

So... i have this crazy religious cousin back in Jersey.... & i just love pissing him off over FaceBook.

David: religion is the reason America was founded.

JReezy: no... actually spices are why America was founded. cuz the WhitePeople were FatAsses who wanted better tasting food... but theyre too lazy to travel East to get to Asia... so they tried to shortcut their way Westward & "discovered" North & South America

David: no.... i mean the Quakers and Mormons left England to make there own faith...

JReezy: yea.... cuz the NEW WORLD was like VEGAS to them. There... they were Free to do whatever they wanted

JReezy: if back then...a cult of ChildMolestors wanna continue fucking little boys without being reprimanded by the King, or the Church, or the Government or whathaveyou... they'd just go colonize the NEW WORLD.... & if they successfully created their own society, with an established buearaucracy, infrastructure, & economic system... we'd probably end up a nation of sodamites & pedophiles.

JReezy: its all the same shit.

JReezy: i love u man... u make me feel like a genius...

David: stfu.

*Update* i just realized that... for the record... the Mormons were actually founded in America. Just goes to show how valid my David's opinions are... iHeart my family.

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