
Friday, October 16, 2009

Let's all congratulate #balloonboy...

(for those of you outta the loop... full story here.)

for being the biggest WASTE OF TIME to hit the BLog-0-Sphere in the history of all existence. for a good 3-4 hours, #balloonboy was all anybody & they moms could Tweet about. the whole world watched & updated their statusii, thinking a little boy was trapped within a homemade airship... alone... probably about to DIE.

& when they FINALLY got it down... they came to the realization that the kid wasn't even IN the freakkin balloon!!!
(feel bad for this guy... probably thinks he's gonna be the big hero... wanting to carry the small child out of harm's way... imagining an iconic photo of him cradling the scared lil boy in his arms)

Now THAT'S the definition of anti-climactic. It's like a real-life deus ex-machina... like when you're watching the season finale of your favorite TV show... crazy ass unbelievable shit goes down... only to realize it was all a dream sequence of one of its main characters

(what a creepy looking lil kid. shouldn't he be stalking Elijah Wood & Orlando Bloom on their way to Mordor?)

seriously dough... what the fuck kind of loser builds tries to build an airship in his spare time?!

maybe if he spent less time building his airship & more time with his son... this situation wouldn't have happened?

Thank you #balloonboy... for leading me to believe i was about to see the tragic death of a small child. Thank you mainstream newsmedia for playing with my emotions & blowing things wayyy out of proportion. Thank you Twitter for not giving me anything more relevant to read while i'm not paying attention in class.

*UPDATE* so apparently this whole thing was a hoax/publicity stunt done in order further #balloonboy's dad's failed RealityTV career.... on those grounds... i hereby nominate this Richard Heene for Father of the Year.

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