
Saturday, June 6, 2009

every HypeBeast NEEDS to see this... Hype.Gone.Wrong.

Hilarious. This is exactly how i feel about HypeBeast/hype/jerk(?) culture. While i'm drawn 2 it because the music's cool, i'm feelin the style... it sucks that everyone else usually thinks/feels the same.

The whole purpose of hype-style used to be to stand out against ghetto-ass thugs & regular white people... now ur just another HypeBeast... and all ur friends call u HypeBeast and ur constantly checking urself 2 make sure u don't succumb to it while u kno it's kinda cool.

except 4 zebra pants.... dunno wtf that fool's thinkin.

or these bitches. HypeGoneWrong. it's naggers like this who kill hype culture... dude's who put style > substance... just wear shit that they think look cool without taking time to learn and understand it. for example...

"DEATH to all who know OBEY only as a brand and not an ARTIST..."

is a statement which basically sums it up. I'm just saying...

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